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  • Mathematics Education for Students with Intellectual Disabilities: Beliefs of Chilean Special Education Teachers

Mathematics Education for Students with Intellectual Disabilities: Beliefs of Chilean Special Education Teachers


San Martin, C., Martínez, M. V., Rojas, F., Ramirez, C., & Cáceres, A.


Teachers’ beliefs play a key role in pedagogical decision-making processes and thus in the educational practices applied in the classroom. Beliefs concerning mathematics have been a subject of research interest given their impact on teacher behaviour. However, little is known about specific teacher beliefs regarding mathematics education in students with an intellectual disability. The purpose of the present qualitative study was to explore the beliefs of 14 teachers and head of studies at eight special schools in Chile regarding mathematics education for students with an intellectual disability. Results reveal beliefs that place considerable emphasis on the functional teaching of mathematics, with a strong focus on handling money and practical activities. According to this perspective, mathematics can contribute to the development of autonomy and to occupational inclusion for people with an intellectual disability. The primary findings point to the need for formal teacher training in the discipline of mathematics.

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