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  • Secondary-school teachers’ noticing of aspects of mathematics teaching talk in the context of one-day workshops

Secondary-school teachers’ noticing of aspects of mathematics teaching talk in the context of one-day workshops


Planas, N., & Alfonso, J. M.


In a research project with one-day teacher education workshops for secondary-school mathematics teachers, our study explores the potential of tool-supported discussions in helping them to notice important and critical aspects of mathematics teaching talk. Mathematical practices of naming and explaining in teaching talk, students’ content learning challenges, and noticing processes of identifying, interpreting and deciding are the components of our framework and the tools that guided the design and implementation of three workshops on linear equations, fractions and plane isometries. The data was collected during the discussions with the seven teachers and the teacher educator throughout these workshops. The coding of the discussions allowed us to see discourse moves that reveal the teachers’ noticing of: (i) challenges in the identification of mathematical naming, (ii) mathematical explaining that voices the students’ learning, (iii) classroom practice in relation to mathematical naming and explaining.

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