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  • Analysis of Tutoring in the Professional Development of STEM Teachers

Analysis of Tutoring in the Professional Development of STEM Teachers


Maria Ricart, Assumpta Estrada, Josep Maria Fortuny


The aim of this work is to explore the impact of the use of five lenses for the professional development of mathematics teachers in a Practicum environment of a master’s degree in Teaching in Secondary Schools in Spain, based on based on the video-related model and facilitated by a tutor. This qualitative ethnographic study is part of an action research and focuses on two cases of future secondary mathematics teachers who share a university tutor. The results indicate that the application of the lenses in the video-related model produces signs of changes in professional development, both in terms of the notable events noticed by the teachers and in their narrative, and, in addition, promotes self-regulation of training. It should be noted that, throughout this process, the intervention of the university tutor or facilitator is essential. It is concluded that this model can be replicated in other STEM teacher training specializations.

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