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  • Enriching math teaching guides from a competency-based perspective

Enriching math teaching guides from a competency-based perspective



This study introduces a novel framework designed to enrich mathematics teaching guides from a competency-based perspective. First, we narrow down the concept of a teaching guide in mathematics education, grounded in the documentational approach to didactics. This definition offers an updated perspective on the structure and function of math teaching guides in educational settings. Second, we provide a comprehensive definition of ‘richness’ in math activities, encompassing content, processes, cognitive demand, and classroom management. Lastly, we introduce an analytical tool developed for assessing and enhancing the richness of math teaching guides. This tool, formed through theoretical analysis and empirical testing, assists educators and curriculum developers in creating more balanced and integrative teaching guides. The results suggest that the tool holds potential for broader applications in curriculum design and teacher education. The findings contribute to the broader understanding of how teaching guides can effectively capture and communicate the richness of activities, thereby serving as a valuable tool for improving mathematical education resources.

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