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  • Does collaborative and experiential work influence the solution of real-context estimation problems? A study with prospective teachers

Does collaborative and experiential work influence the solution of real-context estimation problems? A study with prospective teachers



Although it is a challenge for primary school teachers, real-context estimation problems can be used as an introduction to mathematical modeling. With this aim, we designed a two-phase activity: in the first phase, 224 prospective teachers developed individual action plans to solve a sequence of real-context estimation problems in the classroom; in the second phase, they completed the solution of the same problems working in groups in the real location where the four problems were contextualized. A comparative study showed that, in the second phase, prospective teachers were able to adapt their solutions to contextual features detected in situ that had not been anticipated in the action plans developed during the first phase. Two-phase modeling activities, which permit a comparison of different perspectives on problems, facilitate the experience of collaborative work. These activities could be incorporated into prospective teachers’ initial training as a useful resource for improving their problem-solving expertise.

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